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A toilet at the Hauptbahnhof Munich and other pitches can cost from 1 to 1.50 Euro. Installing the rail&fresh toilets is no longer possible now with Pendler.
Munich – Alle müssen, müssen am Hauptbahnhof and weiteren Bahnhöfen more zahlen. The Nutzung of the “rail&fresh” toilets now cost 1.50 and 1 Euro. Ein Plus von 50 Prozent – Teuer-Schock am still Örtchen! A price is paid for 15 years so that there is a cleaning agent in the Hering Sanikonzept company. Jetzt aber habe man “auf Preissteigerungen der vergangen Jahre” respond müssen.
While the Pendler reacts – moto with resistance, a bit with frustration. Zia Nazeri stops with the new price for your hoch. Der 23-Jährige Arbeitet in Munichthose in the Umland and such regularity of life in the Zwischengeschoss auf. „Ein Euro wäre in Ordnung, aber nicht mehr.“ Standorte von „rail&fresh“ is located at Hauptbahnhof Munich, at Rosenheimer Platz, at Isartor, at Ostbahnhof anyway in Munich-Pass.
Auch Ulrich Gammel, Toilettenbeauftragter beim Seniorenbeirat, critique de Steigerung. “Wir fordern, that the railway provides free toilets for renovation.” That is the reason for maintenance. Die Stadt mache dafür fell, das begrüße er. “If you visit the Toilette in the Rathaus, you must pay the price of 60 cents for free.”
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Laut Hering Sanikonzept comes up with the higher cleaning costs of “rail & fresh” toilets and Bahnhöfen zugute: Für sie and other Mitarbeiter zahle that Firma „tarifliche und übertarifliche Löhne”. The installation takes place: Pro WC-Anlage would invest an amount of 1.2 million euros in annual sales, “a comfort and sauce at a higher level”.
Zia Naziri thinks hygiene is poor. “It is always whoever is stupid or stinks.” Franziska Spindler bestätigts in Eindruck. The 34-year-old food processor has a refreshing bathroom and toilet room in the anlage. “Dafür since 1.50 Euro definitely fell.” Heidi Bruche (67) explains Augsburg dageggen said: “I find the new price justified. It’s time to put paper down – and it can’t take longer.”
The Stadtwerke München (SWM), als de Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG) gehört, betreibe 60 WC-Anlagen, so MVG-Sprecher Maximilian Kaltner. Pro Nutzung Muss Man 60 Cent bezahlen. „The Eintrittspreis loves a payment for the financing of the business costs, which can be fully covered.“ No effort will be made and of 60 toilets, part of the time will be closed, and two roads Sanierung. 14 were neither solved nor cleaned. If you decide to solve the problem later, it will be cleared at the same time.
Stadtweit becomes 130 times cheaper and dies in the lifetime of the Baureferats for free, so a reference. More toilets were built at the 35 sites, and at 16 in Betrieb. 13 sollen bis Anfang 2026 nutzbar sein, die others später.
A Pendler can encounter even more problems. Next to the Munich S-Bahn steht Mitte Dezember der Fahrplanwechsel an – and then the new Linie S5.
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